Die Suche ergab 8 Treffer

von Sc4rlite
Dienstag 31. Oktober 2017, 08:21
Forum: General
Thema: Play on Sunday
Antworten: 12
Zugriffe: 23587

Re: Play on Sunday

Count me in on your next meeting.
von Sc4rlite
Donnerstag 28. März 2013, 01:11
Forum: Turniere & Events
Thema: Best Twin Event 2013
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 19791

Re: Best Twin Event 2013

Auslosen is ja noch schlimmer, dann blamier ich mich noch mehr und versaue es dem andern.. Sonst hätt ich johny gefragt, ob er mit mir verlieren will :D
von Sc4rlite
Dienstag 26. März 2013, 22:02
Forum: Turniere & Events
Thema: Best Twin Event 2013
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 19791

Re: Best Twin Event 2013

mhmh zweierteams.. ihr müsst mich überzeugen, da versau ichs ja eh nur dem mitspieler :/ ^^
von Sc4rlite
Montag 18. März 2013, 18:58
Forum: Ranking Up & Gratz
Thema: Cluster King Dix
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 21007

Re: Cluster King Dix

Und ich war dabei !!

Glückwunsch zum Cluster King,
isnoch genug Platz aufm Thron?

Man hamma uns blamiert beim Zeroball..
von Sc4rlite
Dienstag 19. Februar 2013, 01:44
Forum: General
Thema: Jagwire<-cheater
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 9407

Re: Jagwire<-cheater

Huhu Johnny, First of all: The message was generated automatically. No one blames you to be a cheater or would think of it. There are some special ways to cheat in Clusterball, but it's not easy and you have to install strange programs to do so (it would be very obvious, too). So you needn't worry. ...
von Sc4rlite
Montag 28. Januar 2013, 23:36
Forum: General
Thema: Venue Screenshots
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 10507

Re: Venue Screenshots

Follow the path as sub told or simply use this link:) http://www.clusterball.de/v7/download/topshots.zip On this Page is a topshot of Greengarden V2: http://www.clusterball.de/v7/greengarden.php#routen And here for Egal: http://www.clusterball.de/v7/egal.php#routen I don't think you will have any pr...
von Sc4rlite
Samstag 26. Januar 2013, 06:54
Forum: General
Thema: Trying to find somebody to play with...
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 18872

Re: Trying to find somebody to play with...

Hi Jagwire, If you see someone on the homepage means that the one was online in the last 15 minutes or so. When you have bad luck you missed the player. However it seems that wasn't the problem this time. The ingame chatarea isn't working I guess so you can only chat with players on the same host. A...
von Sc4rlite
Samstag 26. Januar 2013, 06:21
Forum: General
Thema: Teamspeak Servers
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 12961

Re: Teamspeak Servers

TS3 will not work with TS2 servers.. You have to download TS2 again. You can install both at the same time. So there is no problem in using TS2 just for CB and TS3 for other games. :oops: After installing you shouldn't have any problems to get on the server. But at first you won't be able to move to...