Clusterball Linux, Guide

Everything about Clusterball
Beiträge: 38
Registriert: Dienstag 19. April 2005, 09:10
Wohnort: Estland

Clusterball Linux, Guide

Beitrag von hendrikhein »

I have a little guide for you to get Clusterball and XdreamCC working in Linux.
What is needed?
First off, get wine and install it
In Mint /ubuntu
sudo apt install winehq-stable 4.0~bionic
Next you need winetricks
Sudo apt install winetricks
Now that you have installed it You need a Visual Basic 6 runtime to run XdreamCC.
1Open winetricks
1.1 Select Install an application
1.2 Click cancel
1.3. Select appliaction or windows DLL
1.4 Select vb6run and install it.
2 Installing proton.

Easiest way I have found to install proton is via STEAM, go to Steam->settings-> Steamplay and enable STEAMplay on all titles. And download a windows only game, (whatever one) and run it it should also download a proton for you. Since it is possible to add a non steam game on steam you should try to add it via steam and try to run it. For me it did not work but I managed to get it to work on lutris.
If you do not have steam download and install it from

3 Running the game on Lutris.

Install Lutris Sudo apt-get install lutris
Note on Lutris, It needs Vulakan supported hardware and drivers installed or it will refuse working. And approriate drivers need to be installed. Lutris has a link to a help file where you can see the needed driver installs and DVXK, vulkan driver install commands.

Clikc on + add game
Select as Runner wine
And add as name Clusterball.

Under Game options select executable, add Clusterball exe or, Xdream CC, since you most likely will want to use CB also online add XdreamCC
Under Runner options select as wine version Proton.
You can switch resoluton also there. Xdream can do it as well. And switch to any resolution on Opengl, (not the case with 3dfx)
Click Save

5 registering dlls for WINE.
Open terminal in the folder where Clusterball was installed.
In order to register dlls to use Clusterball, run following command in terminal:
wine regsvr32
Follwing dlls need to be registered: cb aureal sound:
Bass.dllOpenGL renderer:
3Dfx render:
3DfxSpl2.dll (3dfx SplashScreen)

wine regsvr32 a3dapi.dll

wine regsvr32 a3d.dll

wne regsvr32 Bass.dll
wine regsvr32 opengl32
In addiotn there are dll’s for 3dfx render use they can also be registered so 3dfx render can be used.(IF you wish so, Goldpack venues will not work) This is with same command
wine regsvr32 3DfxSpl2.dll
wine regsvr32 glide2x.dll
This should cover it all. You can now try to run Clusterball form Steam or Lutris. If steam does not work try Lutris as described in this guide. It should work.
Beiträge: 38
Registriert: Dienstag 19. April 2005, 09:10
Wohnort: Estland

Re: Clusterball Linux, Guide

Beitrag von hendrikhein »

I had new install of mint and ran into issue of Opengl32 not loading properly. In order to fix it i added to wineconfig a DLL override and added opengl32.dll
That fixed it, and should you have any issues like that to try that.